Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Edition

After nearly five months, it is my new post.
Now, you can imagine what I meant by the new horizon of Life!
I've studied days and nights, then write and write...
Five months of writing was full of lovely days, I found who is
the sounds of life.
Now my daily practice is to say "I believe in Life, it's even going on
but I can make it as I think,as I imagine, as I suppose,..."
so you will hear new sound by the same voice for Life!
Here you are to Life by its new edition.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New horizon of life

These days look different,events come and pass rapidly straight forward,
I have not ever imagined this sense of life,life shows different colors,now
I'm able to say "life brings me to the new horizon!".

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A simple story

The simple story is:
I was born,I got grown up,I missed my parents,
I got married,I became father,I've missed my love,I've got old,
my grandson looked at me and said:"Grandpa,I'll keep young!!"
I've just laughed.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Free in Nowrouz

Now after long time,after high pressure,I'm free!!
it sounds like an exciting event,but now I'm similar
to a guy missed something,every time I check the
timetable and my plan,there is nothing,the desk
is free of any paper,notes,books and slides,I've
finished the most important part of education after
too much studying,no holidays and weekends for
more than a year!!
Also last week was Persian new year (1387) called
Nowrouz which is one of the oldest traditional ceremonies
celebrated in Iran and other neighbours,and by all Persian
people around the world although Nowrouz in Iran is something
else by colourful eggs,Haft-Sin which is made of seven parts starting
by letter "Sin" or "S" in Farsi,and with all family members specially
So it's my second experience of new year,I wrote of it before!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Busy,Busy....and Busy!!
It's my common word these days,because of what?
Don't wanna say more,projects,subjects and all
you can not even imagine.
In German we have one special phrase which is explaining
the face of people after seven days of raining continuously:
now I'm looking similar.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

all I've done

Now holidays are going to finish by the weekends,so the first studying
days of 2008 will be tough because of taking rest all two weeks.
For me these holidays has been engaged to do my project work,more or
less it was finished two days ago,so just the comment of supervisor would
be the last step to approve it.
Holidays full of reading novels,studying,watching movies in Persian or others and listening of music,are great time to recover,do some remaining stuff and think more about future.Thinking has a lot of advantages for me in this short period leads to writing in both of my blogs about all supposition,taught and obviously life,the great aspects which I can not leave them at all,these are vital to make my points of view,either shortly or late.