Saturday, December 29, 2007

Soon or Late

Trying to do blog in both Persian and English is a little bit
hard job for me because I mostly speak and write in English
during working days-for me usually studying-and after while
by arriving home prefer to listen Persian musics or writing
in that,It's my common life here.So "Life"not so often becomes
update,but by visiting "Persian Paradox" from Dr.M.Ebtekar one
of the most famous politicians and social activist nowadays,I'm
encouraged to do more here.
Actually,she belongs to my parents generation who were really
opportunist and to some how visionary.I'd like to say that our
generation is not so far of them,we are the last children of Iran
that sensed the war and all its side effects by our heart,even older
generation never understood how to deal us,they preferred to give
us the opportunities to do as well as we like and that is the point
that some of my friends could not realize what is the real life.
I'm not going to criticize them,but observation and experience
is the ones some of us missed,and prefer to live in imaginary life,
hear,see but no attention,this is what becomes common in youths.
To be optimistic,I've learned to say "It will pass,soon or late!!".

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